Sunday, August 13, 2017

Natalie's Lullabye Aug 2017 recital

I take the opening from Natalie Merchant's song, Verdi Cries, and develop the theme. The result is Natalie's Lullabye (link1). Key of D, short and sweet.

A live recording of Ms. Merchant singing Verdi Cries and playing piano is at this YouTube link.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Echoes of the Seven, Game of Thrones

Light of the Seven is from the TV show Game of Thrones. Ramin Djawadi wrote the original. 

I took the starting phrases and composed recorded what a peice that I call Echoes of the Seven. The recording is part of the May 2017 Piano World virtual recital (link1). The direct download is at Box (link2).


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Noah and the Raven

I recorded this in November 2016 for the Piano World recital (link1). It has been raining a lot here in Southern California. The song/tune is about Noah and his conversations with a Raven. Noah is famous for building an ark. The Raven is a symbol of his self doubt. Here is the link to the MP3 (link2).